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法国标准插头(嵌入式接地) France


电流:16A 电压:230V 频率:50Hz
简 介

法国标准插头(嵌入式接地)按CEE 7 制造标准执行,通用于法国和比利时。法标插头类似欧标插头,插头是圆柱;但接地有区别,法标插座有凸起接地插脚。电气参数是10A 250VAC

Electrical parameters:
Current:16A Voltage:230V Frequency:50Hz

France and Belgium have a standard socket which is not compatible with the CEE 7 socket that is standard in Germany and other continental European countries. The reason for incompatibility its that grounding in the French/Belgian socket is accomplished with a round male pin permanently mounted in the socket. The CEE 7/7 plug bridges the differences between the two types of sockets. It has grounding clips on both sides to mate with the CEE 7 socket and a female contact to accept the grounding pin of the French/Belgian socket. See the illustration below.


Note: The CEE 7/7 plug is polarized when used in the French and Belgian electrical system.

There are two types of polarization: physical and electrical. The illustration above demonstrates physical polarization, i.e. the ability to allow or stop a connection being made with the plug in one or more positions. Electrical polarization occurs when each line or connection of the supply is connected to a specific contact on the plug or socket, which is dictated by either a specific standard, or common practice. France and Belgium have no standard for wiring connectors, therefore, electrical polarization is non-existent.


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